The return process at SQ heating solution is designed to be straightforward. If you find yourself unsatisfied with your purchase, you have the option to return within 30 days of receiving the item. All you need to do is get in touch with our dedicated customer service team, who will guide you through the returns process.
To qualify for a return, there are certain conditions that the item must meet. It should be unused and in its original packaging. We cannot accept returns for products that have been used or altered, nor can we process returns for items that have been damaged due to improper handling. Additionally, please ensure that all accessories and manuals are included in the original packaging to be eligible for a return.
Customers are responsible for the shipping costs associated with returning the item to our warehouse (Please Contact our team for the returns address). After we receive and inspect the item, we will proceed to issue a refund for the purchase price, excluding any shipping and handling charges that were incurred.
All successful refunds will be processed using the original payment method. Please allow up to 7-14 days for the refund to be completed. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your refund, our customer service team will be more than happy to assist you.
If you wish to exchange your purchased item for a different product, we are here to help. Simply reach out to our customer service team, and they will be delighted to guide you through the process of selecting a new product while coordinating the return of the original item.
In the unfortunate event that your item arrives damaged, please inform our customer service team within 48 hours of receiving the package. We will make immediate arrangements to ship a replacement item to you and provide clear instructions on how to return the damaged product.
Any further questions please get in touch and we will response to you within 24 hours. Thank you for using SQ Heating Solution.